• lewa wildlife conservancy    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 照光科技股份有限公司

      ... is to provide “Green” and energy saving LED lighting products to help conserve global electricity. With a seasoned engineering team of thermal, optical design and total profile, we are aimed to deliver user’s friendly single on/off, dimmable or active optical lighting products. We focus on th...

      電話:02-27832888    地址:台北市南港區富康街39號3樓
    2. 創盟科技股份有限公司

      ...件檢測聯盟」(Consolidated Services for Vehicle Engineering;縮寫為CONSERVE)所衍生而成。本公司承襲「車輛零組件檢測聯盟」營運四年以上之豐富經驗,並結合台灣內外產業界、學術界及研究機構等資源,為車輛先進系統之專業設計開發公司...

      電話:03-4116097    地址:桃園縣龍潭鄉龍源路134巷566號-W48館412室地圖
    3. 鈞啟生物科技有限公司

      ...mption electronic products, the product also via has become now the energy conservation the led lamps and lanterns and the thin film solar energy board development and the production.And specialty in research development, product design, OEM/ODM, production and brand marketing.Our company is graspin...

      電話:06-6327129    地址:台南市新營區開元路84-11號
    4. 浩然科技股份有限公司

      ...f R D personnel with more than a decade of experiences, working on energy conservation and high efficiency lighting technology, with a view to environmental protection. For the previous 2 years, ALT focuses on products design and development and worldwide safety certifications applications, includi...

      電話:02-82261289    地址:新北市中和區建八路2號16F-8

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